Testing Special Characters

Grammatical Punctuation Marks
Symbol The character by itself In Context
tilde ~ https:// www.website.com/ ~user
backtick mark ` &id=`1`
exclamation mark !

This is exciting!

This is exciting.

inverted exclamation mark, typed as ¡ ¡

Intersante. ¡Ay caramba!

Intersante. Ay caramba.

at symbol @ I have a message for @paul
pound/hash/number sign # I live at apartment #40
caret ^ This is ^not the worst I’ve seen
ampersand, typed as & &



black & white

ampersand &



black & white

asterisk *

Fields marked with * are required.


left parenthesis ( I am (understandably) excited.
right parenthesis ) I am (understandably) excited.
dash (minus/hyphen) -


This is - not unexpectedly - a parenthetical clause.

m dash, typed as — This is also—not unexpectedly—a parenthetical clause.
n dash, typed as –

This is another – not unexpectedly – parenthetical clause.

This is another–not unexpectedly–parenthetical clause.

underscore _ my_file_name.jpg
comma , The house is green, red, and orange.
period . I like cheese.
three periods (pseudo ellipses) ... This sentence trails off... And here is another sentence.
ellipses typed as … This sentence trails off… And here is another sentence.
forward slash /


Give him/her a prize.


backslash \ c:\folder\file.docx
vertical bar | Products | Our web site
question mark ?

What do you mean?

Are you angry??

Are you still angry?!?

inverted question mark, typed as ¿ ¿

No estoy seguro. ¿Quién soy?

No estoy seguro. Quién soy.

semi-colon ; The sentence paused; but not for long.
colon : Gaseous: having the properties of a gas.


double quotation mark " I feel "fine," she said, sarcastically.
double quotation mark, typed as " " I feel "fine," she said, sarcastically.
right double quotation mark, typed as ” I feel “fine,” she said, sarcastically.
left double quotation mark, typed as “ I feel “fine,” she said, sarcastically.
left double angle bracket, typed as « « This is a «word» surrounded by angle brackets.
right double angle bracket, typed as » » Home » Products
‹ (written as ‹) This is a ‹word› surrounded by angle brackets.
› (written as ›) Home › Products
single quotation mark, or apostrophe

Don’t rock the boat.

This is Mary’s.

This is a ‘quotation’ of sorts.

right single quotation mark, or right apostrophe, typed as ’

Don’t rock the boat.

This is Mary’s

This is a ‘quotation’ of sorts.

left single quotation mark, or left apostrophe, typed as ‘ This is a ‘quotation’ of sorts.
left brace { You should {brace} yourself.
right brace } You should {brace} yourself.
left bracket [ You should [bracket] your words.
right bracket ] You should [bracket] your words.
Typographical Symbols
Symbol The character by itself In Context
copyright, written as © © This content © Deque.
registered trademark symbol, written as ® ® Spam®
trademark symbol, TM, written as ™ Fits like a glove™
section, written as § § Be sure to read §24.1.
paragraph symbol, written as ¶ Have you seen ¶3 on page 3?
small bullet, written as · · · A phrase · and another phrase
medium bullet, written as • • A phrase • and another phrase
dagger, written as † Read the footnote†
double dagger, written as ‡ Read the other footnote‡
right arrow, written as → Press the → key
left arrow, written as ⇆ Press the ← key
up arrow, written as ↑ Press the ↑ key
down arrow, written as ↓ Press the ↓ key
horizontal arrow, written as ↔ Move ↔ horizontally.
double right arrow, written as ⇒ Look over there ⇒ at that shark.
double left arrow, written as ⇚ Look over there ⇚ at that dolphin.
double up arrow, written as ⇑ Look up there ⇑ at that platypus.
double down arrow, written as ⇓ Look down there ⇓ at that echidna.
double horizontal arrow, written as ⇔ I’m ⇔ confused.
playing cards: spades, written as ♠ Let’s call a ♠ a ♠.
playing cards: clubs, written as ♣ I found a ♣. Today is my lucky day.
playing cards: hearts, written as ♥ I ♥ you.
playing cards: diamonds, written as ♦ Someone once said a ♦ is a girl’s best friend.


Symbol The character by itself In Context JAWS NVDA VoiceOver
dollar symbol $ $21
Euro symbol, written as € €21
Yen symbol, written as ¥ ¥ ¥500
Pound symbol, written as £ £ £10
Mathematical Symbols
Symbol The character by itself In Context JAWS NVDA VoiceOver
plus + 5+2
minus, written as − 5−2
plus or minus, written as ± ± 5±2
divided by, written as ÷ ÷ 5÷2
multiplied by, written as × × 5×2
equal sign = 5=3+2
not equal, written as ≠ 5≠2
approximately equal, written as ≈


5 ≈ 4.999

percent % 5%
percent with 2-digit denominator, written as ‰ 5‰
fraction: half, written as ½ ½ ½ cup
fraction: one quarter, written as ¼ ¼ ¼ liter
fraction: three quarters, written as ¾ ¾ ¾ kilometer
less than, written as &lt; < 5<6
greater than, written as &gt; > 5>4
less than or equal, written as &le; 5≤x
greater than or equal, written as &ge; 5≥y
prime, written as &prime; 1′
double prime, written as &Prime; 1″
degree, written as &deg; ° 90°
sum, written as &sum; ∑i=x+y
microns, written as &micro; µ